Raise Your Hand Say Yes With Tiffany Han

Ep. 34: Janelle Hanchett on Telling the Truth



Ahh! I was so excited to interview Janelle Hanchett for this week's podcast episode. So excited.  When I found out I was pregnant with twins, I immediately dove into Google (don't do that!) and found myself going down the Rabbit Hole of Crazy that is websites about pregnancy and expecting and twins and all of that. There is so much information that made me feel nervous and anxious and terrible.  And then, one day, I stumbled upon Janelle's blog, Renegade Mothering, and felt like I had found my way home. Finally! Someone who spoke my language when it came to pregnancy and kids and parenting and family. I then found myself going down the Rabbit Hole of Awesome that is Janelle's blog and her humor, perspective, and honesty.  This week, Janelle and I talk about SO MUCH including facing your discomfort and doing your work in spite of your fear, what Janelle learned from her alcoholism about facing your failure, what to do with the haters in the comment section, and how to tell your truth through writing. I also lo