Ask Noah Show

Episode 253: Google Funding FOSS Security



Google is backing a new project from the Linux Foundation to the tune of $1 million that aims to bolster the security of critical open-source projects. GitLab is going public with their IPO, plus we address your feedback and calls! -- During The Show -- 02:45 Caller Chris 450 TB backup is 90% full Connect Multiple FreeNAS Servers Different shares on different servers 45 Drives ( Twinax ( Infinaband ( 09:05 Bhikhu Responds to ANS Ep 252 Conduit ( Mirotalk Heroku ( Cabal Chat ( Email Solutions Main in a Box ( Iredmail ( Cuttle Fish ( ( James Apache ( Accessable Coconut can't host on github due to file size restrictions Matrix is going towards P2P Shut off federation solves many issues Don't host yo