Ask Noah Show

Episode 251: If it's not FOSS - Don't Host It



Even when you can self host it, relying on proprietary software can be challenging. This week Noah & Steve step through the latest self hosting options! Canonical extended their support for Ubuntu for 10 years, plus our picks! -- During The Show -- 01:00 Caller James Windows won't run well on a RaspberryPi Look at a Skull Canyon NUC RaspberryPi 4GB model should handle 1080P or lower 06:05 User Responds Wiping Flash Media - Dalton Boomstick Self Contained Automatic/semi-automatic USB stick based SSD and HDD Eraser Boomstick Gitlab ( Noah does not trust SSD firmware 09:12 Windows 10 Bloat Removal Script - Charlie Windows Decrapifier Script Decrapifier Github ( Make Use Of Article ( Portable Apps ( 10:30 User Reflects on EP 250 - Bhikhu Ctemplar About ( Ctemplar Features ( Ctempl