North By North Quest

Episode 14 [Volume 1] - Super Boss Babes



They made it! Paradise City! The crown jewel of Locnar with all its secrets, culture, and unique civilized society.   Welcome to the city of sounds (like opinionate musical taste), sights (the perception of ladies and flora), and local faire (such as Sylo’s encounter with an inanimate fowl) are very much a new experience for the riders of the Odonataur.  Our heroes interact with some of the locals and learn more about this land.  Pascal picks up a new hobby.  Val earns a private lecture.  Sylo glams only the way a druid can.  Here’s a fun game: listen to the episode and see if you can pick up on Jason’s subliminal message regarding IPAs! Connect: Twitter Discord Facebook Instagram Website Please rate, review, and subscribe to the podcast on itunes or your favorite podcasting platform! Also if you post on social media and use the hashtag #NxNQ, your name might even get picked for an NPC in a later episode. Support: Visit our Patreon and leave a rating and review on iTunes or your favorite podcast source! Ge