Sandra Rea's Fiercely Spiritual Podcast

October Angel Reading



I’ve been tuning into the energy for October and I’ve so much to share with you. October is going to bring powerful new waves of opportunity opening up for each of us. An exciting time if we are open to receiving. In this episode I share: - The central theme for the month of October. - Key Astrological dates during the month and their meaning. - How to work with the energy the month brings. - Angel cards for the month ahead and their guidance. We have three gorgeous Angel cards, one from Pagiel’s Suit of Hearts Desire, one from the Twelve Essence of Light Tools and another from the Suit of Mystical Animal Guides. My hope is that the messages and understanding of what’s to come will support your spiritual growth and help you to get the most out of the month ahead. Namaste, Sandra If you’re an empath and you’d like to connect with your Angels, please register for my free training on how to get clear Angel guidance each day: