Eclectic Kettle -

“Bank Holiday Special” (Live from BFF @ ATA.)



A long weekend yields special programming and so we're delighted to present an extra special afternoon episode of Eclectic Kettle for the Labor Day holiday. “Less Steve Lamaq, a little more Mark Radcliffe” is the plan. Tune in for afternoon choons, affable rambling, and the true meaning of Labor Day. Plus we'll replay our conversation with Matt B from last week's Tuesday show, and give you all another chance to indulge the wonders of the modular synth.What's more, this broadcast comes LIVE from's studio installation in the window of Artists Television Access on Valencia. So, stop by on your way to and from your grills and beer runs, watch Ben in action, gawp and wave, chill with a coffee in the Blue Fig parklet, perhaps. One way or another, we hope to see you there!Sorry it took a little while to get the podcast of this show up: The logistics of broadcasting from multiple locations are no joke. Massive thank yous to Lily Sloane and Forrest Guest for helping get the recordings wrangled. Enjoying the sho