She Can. She Did.

Episode 9 - with Gemma Whates, Founder of All By Mama



Before we start this weeks episode, I am so excited to say that She can. She did. has officially rebranded to can.did. - a new kind of networking for more candid conversations. For more details and to join us in there, visit or come and say hello at @meetcandidThis week, I had the pleasure of chatting to Gemma Whates, the London-based Mum of two, VC Scout, Mentor and Founder of All By Mama - the incredible community and marketplace for mothers in their first few years of business.From how Gemma organised her time in the early days given that she was working full-time during the first year of All By Mama's existence and what led her to eventually focus on the marketplace full-time, what she's learnt from her multiple investment rounds and what she'd do differently if she were to raise money again in hindsight, how she handles the continuous pressure to up-level, not to mention the Mum guilt that reared its head during the pandemic... Gemma has been so supportive to m