She Can. She Did.

Episode 34 - We can. We will. with... me! (Fiona Grayson, SHE CAN. SHE DID.)



As this series draws to a close today, for the first time since launching the She can. She did. podcast, I decided to put myself in the hot seat today and ask my good friend (aka. Natalie Moores, one half of my favourite marketing duo that is Mac + Moore) to interview me (*cue the sweats*) about how the coronavirus has impacted both me and my plans for She can. She did. behind the scenes too.(Because truth be told, I'd feel like I'd be letting the side down somewhat, had I asked everyone to share how Covid-19 has impacted them in detail whilst staying quiet myself, pretending that it's all been plain sailing for me!)Plus, given that She can. She did. might look a little different in the months to come - if all goes to plan, that is - I also wanted to let you know where I will be focusing my energy once this final episode goes live and these daily podcasts that have been provided quite a comforting (albeit marginally stressful!) routine over the past few weeks, come to an end...From the early-March panic