She Can. She Did.

Episode 8 - We can. We will. with Kassi Emadi, Founder of NUDDY



If any of you have popped to the shops in recent weeks, I have no doubt that if you're supermarkets are anything like mine (!) you would have struggled to get your hands on those all-important cleaning products that pre-corona were simply part and parcel of your bog standard shop.In the past three weeks however, as the nation approached lockdown and stockpiling went into overdrive, I think it's fair to say that they've become something of luxury items with everything from soap to antibac in unprecedented demand.As the Founder of Nuddy - aka. the vegan, plastic free and cruelty free soap brand that aims to make bars of soap cool once again - Kassi Emadi has (unsurprisingly) had a pretty manic few weeks.Whilst Nuddy's wholesale trade - which up until recently has been its primary focus - has dropped off the radar in recent weeks, this is the uplifting story of how Kassi has pivoted her focus in recent days and the reality of what a 700% increase in direct to consumer sales has meant for her, her business and he