Kalos Conversations

32: Loving & Gospeling A "Wants-It-All" Woman



In this episode, we talk through the following case study:Maryellen is a confessing Christian who has been coming to church for a few years. She is in her late thirties years old and has two very young children. She is also a well-educated, highly-skilled, well-paid professional with a full-time job on the 128 loop. Her husband also works full-time, but his job is flexible enough to allow him to help a ton with the kids and the house. The family’s week is a perpetual whirlwind of getting the children to and from daycare/school, figuring out meals (the family rarely eats together), and keeping the house in some semblance of order - all while working 40-50 plus commute time. She attends church 50% of the time, and is a marginal member of a gospel community. When push comes to shove, it is never work that gets short end of things (or she would lose her job/position) but always family and church/mission. During a time of confession, she says, “Like most women, I struggle with wanting it all. Yet I know that … I c