Behind The Glass With Charlotte Eriksson

How to make hard decisions



When you have an important decision to make: If you knew for sure, that you would have a great life and be happy no matter what you decided. Then what would you choose? This is a powerful one. We often base our decision on if it will make us happy or not. And this needs another layer because depending on what sort of personality type we are, we usually lean towards making decisions that will give us instant gratification, we want the happiness now. Or we lean towards being future focused people, and then we tend to make decisions based on if it will make us happy in the future or not. Let’s take an example; you’re in a relationship that is not necessarily terrible, but neither is it amazing. You’re trying to decide if you should stick it out, believe that things can make it work. Or if you should end it and move on. You will walk around trying to decide if you believe that you can be happy in this relationship, OR if you can happier in a different relationship, or even by yourself. But let’s imagine that y