Notably Disney

Disney Books That Should Be Written with Book of the Mouse Club (Part 2)



Book of the Mouse Club hosts Emily McDermott and Courtney Guth are back in this second part of a conversation on Disney books that should be written. In the first part, host Brett Nachman, Courtney, and Emily addressed ideas for categories including autobiography/biography, theme parks and resorts, and film and television. Meanwhile, this second part places attention on book ideas related to music, mousecellaneous (i.e., a miscellaneous category), and fictional series. The brainstorming continues in another edition of the Notably Disney Sorcerer’s Hat series! Be sure to check out the Book of the Mouse Club podcast on Apple Podcasts and wherever you listen to podcasts. Their email is and the podcast website is Also make sure you follow Book of the Mouse Club on Twitter, as well as each of the hosts on Instagram: Courtney (@greatguthsby) and Emily (@emily_mickde). You can also follow Emily (@emily_mickde) and Courtney (@Courtney_Guth) on Twit