Sandra Rea's Fiercely Spiritual Podcast

November Angel Reading



I always find November to be a very spiritual month. November is an 11 month which is a master number which helps us to access the higher realms. I’ve been tuning into the energy for November and I’ve so much to share with you. The month ahead brings so much opportunity to access the spiritual realms and to know that they are not outside of us, everything is within us right now. In this episode I share: - The main theme for the month ahead and what it means. - Key Astrological dates during the month and their significance. - The Angel of the month and how to work with them. - Three Angel cards for November and their guidance. This month I’m working with a different deck of Angel cards - Angels of Light. I love the messages these cards bring, always so timely and perfect. My hope is that the messages and the knowledge of what’s to come will support your spiritual growth and help you to flow with the energy November brings. P.S. At the start of the podcast I mention about Vibrate Higher, the November 5-day