Paleo Quick Tip Of The Day

Save Your Teeth and Gums- Naturally! on Paleo Quick Tip of the Day podcast



Overall health is my hobby, and so an ancestral, paleo type of life is what I follow.  An overlooked yet essential part of natural health is having a healthy mouth, with shiny white teeth and vibrant gums, free of infection and cavities!It’s not hard to achieve this, especially if you are already eating a paleo sort of diet of real, natural, God made foods in lieu of processed crap.  If you have eliminated bread and other grain products, (you know, the kind that stick to your teeth) and that turn to sugar right in your mouth- well, you have half the battle won right there!Here is the other half to address:  Oil pull each morning!If you are unfamiliar with oil pulling ( I find even now that almost no one knows anything about it), it simply means to take a teaspoon or so of oil into your mouth, and swish it all about, through your teeth, and all around your whole mouth, bathing it over and over for about 5 or 10 minutes.  This might seem time consuming and onerous, but if you do it while you take your morning s