Paleo Quick Tip Of The Day

Isometrics are Wonderful



Here is the thing about isometrics: almost everyone dismisses them!   There is no rhyme or reason about it.  My feeling is that no one has actually looked at the research, or ever experimented with this form of exercise- I mean, how can it be that pushing hard against an immovable resistance for a matter of seconds can:   Lower blood pressure, dramatically! Strengthen that muscle in a huge way, even throughout the muscle, not just in that particular angle! Be done so fast, and so relatively painlessly!   Well, isometrics CAN do that, and it is just a shame that the benefits have been shoved aside.    I believe that this is because conventional isotonic weight training- in paleo parlance ‘lifting heavy things’- has the “advantage” of building bulky types of muscle.  Big, chubby muscles that everyone can see, and say “Hey- have you been lifting weights??”    If you have a fragile ego, like I did when I was 14 or so, to hear this is very gratifying.  And so, people tend to double down on the weight lifting!    M