Cpa Reviewed: The Cpa Exam Podcast

How to To Motivate Yourself for the CPA Exam | Another71 Podcast #96



CPA Exam Podcast Questions: Sloan - I am writing to get some advice. First, I wanted to thank you for inventing NINJA CPA! I will give you a little background.  I started my journey with Becker only and scored 71 and then 72 on FAR. After supplementing with NINJA I got a 75.  For AUD I used Becker supplemented with NINJA and scored 79.  The same method for REG and scored 78.  I took BEC and I scored a 71. Do you have any tips?  As a side note, I go through all the Becker material first then I do all NINJA questions 3-4 weeks before the exam and listen to the audio every morning.  I take notes while studying both and review them. Crystal - Hi Jeff, I need your wisdom. I received my BEC score -  74. From a strategic perspective, should I retake BEC or take FAR next? What would you do? Lyla - How do I memorize the various amounts in addition to the phase-in AGI/MAGI ranges for all the credits?? (NINJA & Gleim)4 Do I have to complete reading the Ninja Notes before jumping into the MCQs? - Jes (NINJA Only)