Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

168: Overworked and Over It: Stop Filling The Gaps & Giving 110% (#1 of 3)



Burnout, overwhelm, feeling like we have too much to do with not enough time, resources or support, struggling to find work/life balance is not new, our bodies breaking down because the stress is too much, our minds unable to slow down, feeling like it's all on us. It's been our reality especially as women for MANY decades. The catalyst of the pandemic, chaos, intense weather, etc are outpicturings that we have hit the boiling point ... as a society, a culture, and individuals.  The truth is: How we have been imprinted, educated and expected to work is not sustainable, healthy or human.  And when I say work, I don't just mean what you do to receive money. I mean ALL the things you give your life force and time to, including those people, communities and causes you parent, care for and tend to.  Consider this: We are at standing at the place where we can make great shifts in short time spans... if we are willing to take a stand, say NO MORE to what doesn't work and isn't really necessary or healthy, and say YE