Internet Marketing: Insider Tips And Advice For Online Marketing

#555 Inside the Mind of a Remote SEO Analyst: Interview with Marcos Alvarez Martin



A few episodes ago we mentioned that we have a goal with our podcast of bringing your more insider tips and advice from our team at SiteVisibility and today, we're pleased to be able to do just that.Our guest today is Marcos Alvarez Martin, Senior SEO Analyst here at SiteVisibility as well as BrightonSEO trainer.Marcos has worked at SiteVisibility for over 4 years but just over a year ago he made a permanent move back to Tenerife and now works with us as a fully remote employee.The circumstances in respect to the COVID-19 pandemic mean that right now a lot of businesses are having to adapt to working remotely and face the reality that remote working provisions are likely going to be in place for some time to come.For that reason, we thought it would be useful to get Marcos on the podcast and describe from his perspective the benefits and struggles of life as a remote marketer.We touch on topics including:Why Marcos decided to head home and how he approached the topic of remote working with us at SiteVisibilit