Silent Film Music By Ben Model

ep. 37: Mostly Lost, Keaton’s The Cameraman and The General, an electric organ and Laurel & Hardy



On this episode Ben talks about: the annual Mostly Lost film identification workshop at the Library of Congress, currently postponed until 2021; underscoring a key scene in Keaton's "The Cameraman" and noticing a parallel with "Singin' In The Rain", playing for "Spite Marriage", the challenge of introducing and presenting "The General" at a college show; playing for Laurel & Hardy on a 1980s electric theatre organ, and using that console's MIDI function to bring the sound of the Wurlitzer to a cinema; how Ben chooses and utilizes piano or organ for score recordings, and much more. episode 37: "Comedy Today! – Buster Keaton and Laurel & Hardy" Missing the Mostly Lost workshop, cancelled this year due to the pandemicMaking an alternate accompaniment for The CameramanThe Cameraman’s kiss in the rain and Singin’ In The Rain: Copy, homage or coincidence?Spite Marriage comes to life with an audienceMark Fuller, member of Southwest Silents in Bristol, England talks about The Silent Comedy Watch PartyPuttin