Silent Film Music By Ben Model

ep. 34: the Silent Comedy Watch Party, scoring Hitchcock, “Intrigue” and Nell Shipman, plus FAQ



On this episode of the podcast, Ben Model discusses the creation of the Silent Comedy Watch Party and the response so far; talks about teaching his silent film course at Wesleyan using Zoom; shares an excerpt from his score for Alfred Hitchcock’s Champagne for the Hitchcock British International Pictures Collection for Kino Lorber; talks about the annual show at the Idaho State Museum and his collaboration with the Boise Philharmonic, and shares an excerpt from his score for the Nell Shipman film Light On Lookout; discusses the rediscovery of Julia Crawford Ivers during the development of the Kino Lorber box set: Pioneers: First Women Filmmakers; and shares an excerpt from his score for The Intrigue; Kerr Lockhart joins the podcast and begins the new segment: Frequently Asked Questions.  This Week: Do you really make it all up as you go along? (Look for an FAQ transcript page coming to this website soon.) Finally, Kerr and Ben exchange self-quarantine recommendations. Kerr recommends Hollywood: A Celebration