Silent Film Music By Ben Model

ep. 32: meeting audience expectations, tips on choosing a comedy short, and a trip to Nebraska



On this episode of the podcast, I discuss meeting an audience's expectations while staying true to the film's original culture, choosing a comedy short to show newbies, and playing for a show where someone else's music credit is onscreen; also, Arthur Kleiner accompanies a Harold Lloyd short with an iPhone, 700 kids in Boise laugh at Buster Keaton, I play a MoMA premiere of a newly-discovered film from 1898; plus – news about recent and upcoming shows. Subscribe to the podcast on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Google Play Music, Spotify or Overcast; please consider supporting the podcast at Patreon.  And, if you want to say "thanks!", why not buy me a cup of coffee? Links from the episode: You can view Something Good – Negro Kiss (1898) at the USC Hugh M. Hefner Moving Image Archive's Vimeo page. My mini-doc about USC archive director Dino Everett and 28mm film is on YouTube.Mostly Lost 8 will be held June 12-15, 2019.The Silent Clowns Film Series has monthly screenings, for free, at the NYPL at L