E-com Sales Tax

Louisiana Breaks Out Their Marketplace Facilitator Tax Laws.



Most states already have marketplace facilitator tax laws with only a handful of states that haven't quite rolled them out. One of those states was Louisiana. I asked Paul Johnson our VP of operations to join me to talk about Louisiana's new marketplace facilitator tax laws and economic nexus thresholds.Additional Questions Answered:What makes the release of these laws in Louisiana significant?What are the parameters of the marketplace facilitator tax laws?What are the economic nexus thresholds in Louisiana?What makes marketplace facilitator tax laws so confusing?If a state has marketplace facilitator tax laws do you have to register to collect sales tax in that state?Can I deregister for sales tax in states that have marketplace facilitator tax laws?If you are concerned about your business or your clients business. A free "What's NexT?" call could be all you need to get the peace of mind you deserve. Just fill out this form to schedule yours today!