Hot And Healthy With Nicole Van Hattem | Mindset | Nutrition | Success | Fitness | Health | Lifestyle

Ep. 121 - Free to be me with Hypnotherapy with Chey Bodhi



Do you ever have those internal conflicts where your head says one thing but your heart says another? For instance you’re looking at a new pair of shoes which would go perfectly with that dress for the next networking meeting. Once voice in your head is screaming ‘Buy them. They will look gorgeous on you!’ But theres another voice in your head that is reminding you that you dont have the money spare to spend because you have bills that need to be paid… and yet that other voice of yours really really wants those new heels! For some people this form of stress, this internal conflict, is an everyday part of business life and one we have just come to accept as part of our personalities. What if I told you today’s guests mission in life is to solve this internal conflict that is going on in your head? And that she believes this stress and anxiety, this internal conflict, actually stems from childhood trauma and can be healed. Today on the Hot & Healthy in Business Show, our expert Chey Bodhi is going to share