

Build your armour to set you free! Showing up in the world. Every single day. No matter what. Talk about a stressful process. So we create armors. We develop defense mechanisms to protect us, to keep us as part of the tribe, as one of the team.  Even when, in the process, we set rules and standards impossible to attain and, as a result, we become Perfection Olympians working tirelessly to win a toxic medal despite the pain, stress and sorrow it brings us. Anahi Brown is an Empowerment Consultant who believes everyone deserves pleasure, purpose and joy, and supports her clients in defining life on their own terms, enabling them to accomplish and be all they want regardless of who they are, where they live, their size or beliefs through her Holistic Nourishment approach. Our topic today is: Success Under Stress Holistic Success Coach, Founder of Hot & Healthy Network, TEDx Speaker and Bestselling Author, Nicole van Hattem brings you the Hot and Healthy show: Interviews with experts in mindset, food, fi