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Ep.68 The mindset needed to go from Broke to BMW with Shar Moore



An entrepreneurial journey is a rocky and winding path. There are many rewards but it isn’t the right path for everyone. There can be many road blocks to overcome and having the right mindset is essential if you are going to be able to bounce back or bounce forward from set backs. Shar Moore, CEO & Co-Founder of YMag shares her personal entrepreneurial story from broke to BMW and what it has taken her to be successful over the years. Shar Moore is an international award winning mentor, keynote speaker, author, mum and nani. Her work with women globally has lead her to publish YMag, encouraging people to be the best version of themselves by living their Y. Tune in to this episode and share the show. Read the show notes and find out more about Shar's tips on how to have the mindset to go from broke to BMW on the website - use this link