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Ep.66 How to sell holistic health to mine workers with No Bullshit Wellness with Brendan Waddington



Brendan Waddington works in remote locations with workers in the mining industry. His role is to keep the workers mentally and physically fit for work. But knowing all that he knows about health and wellness as a Naturopath is wasted if he can't get the mine workers to take on board the knowledge he is sharing. But he's been really successful at getting workers to adopt some of the more holistic approaches to wellness. How's he managed it? Well his own broad personal common-man's journey of going from working in a pub to training to be a natural therapies professional is part of what make him effective at reaching hearts and minds in the mines. As he puts it - he uses no bullshit wellness approaches that really work. Tune in to this episode and share the show. Read the show notes and find out more about Brendan's soon to be released book over on the website - use this link