Economic Rockstar

066: Best of 2015 Part 2



This is the second part of the 'Best of 2015' of the Economic Rockstar podcast. This episode provides you with a glimpse of what type of guests and conversations I've had on the show this past year.   Previous episodes that feature in this Best of 2015 are:  022 Josh Angrist on Taking the Con Out of Econometrics. 060 Manu Saadia on Trekonomics – The Economics of Star Trek: Scarcity, Productivity and Public Goods 017 Marina Adshade on Understanding Economics the Sexy and 'Hard' Way. 049 Jon Haywood with Jez Groom on How a Cleverly Designed Nudge Can Change People’s Behavior – Including How We Pee. 019 Mark Thornton on the Decriminalization of Marijuana and the Skyscraper Curse. 027 Craig Medico on How Economics Saved My Career, How I’m Embracing Technology in the Classroom and Why I’m off to Wrestling School. 020 George Magnus on The Age of Ageing, China and the EU. 028 Alice Louise Kassens on Nudging Students to Study Economics and Why Mainstream Media Should Publish Research on Mental Health. 030 Kim Holder