Economic Rockstar

039: David Zetland on Aguanomics, Water Scarcity, Water Wars and ‘Toilet-to-Tap’



David Zetland is an assistant professor at Leiden University College, where he teaches various classes on economics. David was a Postdoctoral Fellow in Natural Resource Economics and Political Economy at UC Berkeley (2008-2010) and a Senior Water Economist at Wageningen University (2011-2013).  David blogs on water, economics and politics at and gives many talks to public, professional and academic audiences. David has two books The End of Abundance: economic solutions to water scarcity (2011)  and Living with Water Scarcity (2014). He received his PhD in Agricultural and Resource Economics from UC Davis in 2008. Find out: if we should be worried more about a shortage of water or a scarcity of water. if we should learn from the oil industry and develop the technology-equivalent of extracting oil from oil sands and desalinate the ocean water? if we can tell whether we know the water footprint of a cow and if it’s different in California than Ireland. why water is actually free and what yo