Strange New England

Will-o-the-Wisp: An Ancient Flame



In ancient times when the night was so much darker than it is today, stories were told that endure to this day. It's easy for scholars to assume that, because written records are a permanent way to record history of any kind, many folktales from literary cultures are assumed to be recent ones. Familiar fairytales such as the ones The Brothers Grimm recorded in their early research in the Black Forest of Europe feel familiar enough as to be from a more recent time in history and not from a remote age like Native American stories. However, The Brothers Grimm were convinced that the stories they researched were, in fact, as ancient as their Native American counterparts. Folklorists since have had difficulty believing this, however, because they are scientists, solid evidence is the only type of evidence they will consider. Recent research by anthropologists has confirmed that, perhaps, The Brothers Grimm were correct after all and the fairy tales that are so familiar to us have an older, more alien origin in la