Color Talk With Tom Parish

Insights from Jedi Master Michael Chen - Master Display Calibrator



I was going to use the following title "Michael Chen asks What Color Glasses would you like to wear Red Green or Blue" because Michael tells a revealing story in this show in working with clients to evoke them into seeing and thinking differently. But before we get into Jedi Master Michael Chen's wisdom let me do a proper introduction. Michael Chen who is an early pioneer of the field of TV display calibration. In fact Michael helped create the original THX training courses for video calibration and remains one of the premier teachers in the world. You can find out more about Michael here. I’m personally delighted to have an opportunity to learn more about the art and science of display calibration given especially given he’s been doing it for the last 20 years. If you want to learn how to properly calibrate your TV you want to visit his website and learn from Michael’s generous collection of articles. He stays current and doesn’t hold any punches back when it comes to BS. I reviewed testimonials about h