Color Talk With Tom Parish

Calman - DaVinci Resolve Interface and New Display Technology Updates



If you’re a colorist with an interest in color checking or calibrating all the displays in your studio — including your reference monitor, client displays, projectors, and periodically updating those 3D display correction LUTs — then you’re going to want to know that CalMAN 5.3 now provides a way to use DaVinci Resolve as a pattern generator. In fact, there is a dedicated version of CalMAN just for Resolve users. When you use a WiFi connection with Calman 5.3 interfacing to Resolve, the patterns that Resolve generates come up on all the displays you have video connections to in your studio. Here’s a quick picture I took in my studio. It's not a beauty shot but you get the idea. Well you'll need to see this picture at I get a kind of smug satisfaction knowing I can put up the same pattern on all displays and then check or calibrate each one directly from SpectraCal's CalMAN software anytime I want.