Mature Preneurs Talk With Diana Todd-banks

DAN McCRORY - If You’re Dying To Write A Book, Make Sure You Have An Audience And Know What It Looks Like. DO NOT Take Your Better Half For Granted. Keep Them In The Loop. Ask For Their Advice. And Be Sure To Thank Them In The Credits.



Dan McCrory said for decades, he worked at a phone company as a telecommunications technician but he always had writing jobs on the side, but as he found out writing a book is different and has its own set of pitfalls. Some advice? Know your target audience. He never stopped to ask will millennials, (his audience) read this? While receptive, they want a book they can listen to while driving. At 63, Dan said he’s a driven person; many people don’t understand what motivates him and he would be hard-pressed to explain why he’s so driven. He said folks with Parkinson’s disease tend to withdraw, especially as symptoms become harder to ignore, but he refuses to hide. He’s always faced his fears and got on with living, and wants to forget he has PD and live a normal life.  One point Dan does know - he wants people to know he’s contributed value to the human race. And he’s certainly doing that now!  Throughout this podcast Dan offers numerous pieces of advice, sound wisdom and tips about living. Dan strongly believes