Mature Preneurs Talk With Diana Todd-banks

LANA NELSON Says She Was Able To Handle the Trauma’s & Dramas That Came Her Way, Even With Her 6 Young Children, Losing Her Home & Car, Because Of Her Strong Fortitude, Tenacity & Focus. Strong Qualities Everyone Needs To Develop



Lana Nelson’s life traumas ultimately became gifts even despite being injured in a nasty car accident causing years of chronic pain. She knew she would be the sole financial supporter of her young children. Having previous experience in the field she started her own dental lab business and 4 years later bought a home, a new van and able took her children on vacation. Plus she had become a noted expert in the cutting-edge field of dental implants. But after 5 years of continued headaches and pain she saw a Chiropractor and continued trying new things - juicing, massage and yoga, all considered “weird” at the time.  She kept thinking and saying, “I should marry a Chiropractor. I’m seeing one 3 times a week!” Yes “The universe was listening.” Lana met her future husband on a blind date. He specialized in treating pain and with his treatments Lana was pain-free in 2 weeks!  He healed her body and her heart.  They married and combined two families and were called “The Brady Bunch times two!” Over the next several