Mature Preneurs Talk With Diana Todd-banks

DAWN JAMES “Sometimes You Need A Heart Stopping Event to Get You To Realise You Are Not Really Living, You Are Merely Existing.” How Does A Former Finance IT Executive Go From Corporate Burnout To Costa Rica Retreat Host?



Dawn James worked 72 hours a week, and had a soaring career yet her family life, and relationships were crumbling around her. As a former Finance/I.T. exec she missed many family dinners, sporting events and school plays - memories she can never recapture. But a life-changing event brought her career to a screeching halt!  After her wake-up call of not eating literally for 3 months, and the health results that ensued, she stopped living in her head and started living in her heart, advice that Dawn now offers others.  Quitting her corporate job, she spent 18 months of intense soul searching. But how did she do that what was she looking for? Listen to her answers during this podcast. They’re interesting. During the empty nest phase, Dawn and her husband began to travel to far away countries. One destination they both fell in love with was Costa Rica. They returned home and immediately set a plan in motion to do what they love and love what they do. They decided to combine their talents and passions to create Be