Wall Street Unplugged - Your Best Source For Finance, Investing & Economics

Ep. 572: Frankly Speaking | Recap: Silver and Gold Summit 2017



This week – instead of doing our normal Q&A routine, discussing your top questions about the markets, economy, even sports – I’ll be doing something a little different… I just came back from the 2017 Cambridge International Silver and Gold Summit in San Francisco. I spoke on stage three different times, attended several meetings, and caught up with some my favorite guys within the industry… It’s always a special occasion when guys like Marin Katusa, Doug Casey, Jim Rickards, Teeka Tiwari, Rick Rule, and Frank Holmes ALL come together under the same roof… And it’s certainly an occasion worth it’s own recap… On this week’s holiday-edition of Frankly Speaking, I break down some of the interesting developments and conversations I witnessed at this year’s conference. The main topic of conversation this year may come as a surprise… Good Investing, Frank Curzio