Cabin Fever - Fred Entertainment

Cabin Fever Nights



While planning to record a show one evening, we thought it a good idea to invite some friends over for afterwards. A "post-show party" if you will. However, Brian, as always, was late and the party had already started by the time he arrived. Liquored up and determined to not let a little thing like alcoholism and noise get in the way of recording a perfectly good podcast, the following show was completed. Once the cold light of day, and harsh hangover, presented themselves we realised that we couldn't in all good sense let this abomination be considered a real episode and have decided to present it here (in all its ugly glory) to all those brave enough to listen as an example of what not to do with two microphones and several bottles of booze. Don't say we didn't warn you. So without further a do may I introduce the cautionary tale of "Cabin Fever Nights". Music provided by Richard Cheese and Lounge Against The Machine.