Paleo Quick Tip Of The Day

Evolution Matters on PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe



One of the hallmarks of the ancestral, or paleo lifetstyle, is its reliance on the observance of EVOLUTION determining virtually everything about us!We are evolved human beings, after all.  Our diet evolved from our interaction with our environment on this earth, as did our patterns of healthy living, and interaction with others.  Each of our selves is the culmination of millenia of years, during which our own DNA has existed, evolving in response to the environments in which our ancestors have found themselves in for all of that vast stretch of time.Those of us who came from the far north of Europe, back in the ice ages, developed as humans under very different conditions to those experienced in other areas of the world.  And so, the Danes of today resemble the Congo pygmies in very little indeed!  Some humans lived in hot climes, such as Africa- under conditions of constant warfare and tribal fighting over readily available hunting and gathering conditions.  There was very little incentive to develope any s