Be The Bee

What if Your Parish Disappeared?



“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:14-16 If your parish suddenly disappeared, would anyone notice? Are we living out the Gospel in our neighborhoods and communities? Because we believe the same things that the first Christians taught. But do we act like them? Last week, we talked about the importance of prayer. But we can't forget almsgiving in our spiritual practice. We've prepared a FREE downloadable workbook to help you work through how you can better love your neighbor. Questions you might be struggling with, that we'll touch on in the video: How do we act like Christians? How do I love my neighbor? How to act like a Christian? What is unchristian like behavior? What are Bible rules to live by? What is social justice in Christianity? What does the Bible say about social justice? What is social justice really mean? Social justice and the Gospel? Why do young adults leave the Churc