Candid Conversations With Dr. Mayfield

Do It Well And Don't Compare Episode



How do you respond when someone else succeeds? Do you get a sinking feeling in your gut? Or do you react out of anger or jealousy? Or are you able to set aside those feelings and be grateful for their wins? Sometimes when we are confronted with others’ success we worry that there won’t be a chance for us. However, that is just not true. So how do we reframe our mindsets so that we can celebrate with others, and find our own way. Dr. Mark and Trever discuss the ways that comparison has impacted their own lives and how they have worked through to a different way. Remember to subscribe and follow us wherever you are listening, so that you don’t miss any episodes! If you like the Therapist’s Invitation, rate, and review so that others can find us too. And if you would like more content designed to help you on your mental health journey, make sure to join The Mayfield Collective. There you will find even more video content, activities, and an ever-growing resource library all designed to help you. Find out