Lean Into Art

Black Lives Matter



Instead of our usual exploration of visual storytelling and thinking about creative process, this week we have a brief yet important message to share. Our message is that we’re here to love, care, and support our black community and do our best as non-BIPOC do to be better at helping more by listening, being affected, and committing to an ongoing active awareness and ongoing supportive action to get rid of systemic racism. Black Lives Matter. The ongoing system of repression and discrimination must end. So much murder and death of black skinned people is such an obvious symptom of the discrimination. Murders by the police of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Atatiana Jefferson, and so many others. We are in the midst of an uprising of super brave action from the black community. This is a place and time to dig in for systemic change. Let’s make it all our job to end systemic racism. I’m looking at us white folks as I say this. People who are BIPOC have no choice but face that job. Our work is to help one another