Hannah Holladay Health Radio

Shadow Healing Process: Death & Rebirth



In this podcast episode and LIVE, I do a group card pull and reading discussing shadow healing and the process of internal death and rebirth. As you move through shadow work it's so important to allow yourself to feel all off the heavier emotions that might be coming up. This is part of your healing process and as we always discuss, you have to feel in order to heal. Grieving the old self is part of this process. This stage supports you in letting go of the old so that you can fully step into the highest and most authentic version of you. If you're looking for extra support with this you can book a one on one session with me here: https://hannahholladay.com/one-one-services/  Follow me on YouTube, Instagram and TikTok for daily content, inspiration, meditations and support @hannahlholladay