Bookworm Banquet

BB10: Review of Dragon Slayer: Beginnings by Carey Green



Carey Green's debut novel, Dragon Slayer: Beginnings, is the topic of conversation in this episode. This book is the first in the Dragon Slayer Chronicles trilogy. This is a great introduction to the fantasy genre and while it is very much a coming of age story like many in this genre it has other elements that help it to stand out. Also in this episode is Nicole's Fact about a dog that really did eat "homework" and JD's Tip about some really cool literary t-shirts.What We've Been ReadingTed Dekker's Circle seriesJohn White's Archives of AnthroposReview SegmentDragon Slayer: Beginnings by Carey GreenBook 1 - Dragon Slayer: BeginningsBook 2 is Dragon Slayer: Rising (already released)Book 3 is Dragon Slayer: Sacrifice (being written now)JD's Rating: 3.5 out of 5Nicole's Rating: 3.5 out of 5Nicole's Bookworm Fact is about when a dog really did eat "homework".JD's Bookworm Tip is Litographs, a website that sells very cool literary t-shirts and other items.This episode of Bookworm Banquet is brought to you by Adag