Business Breakthrough

130: Proper Legal Setup For Your Business With Chad Sakonchick (Part 1)



Most people think they need to register a legal business before they can ever earn more money. While this isn’t technically true, it may still be a good idea. Chad tells us why, and how to do it right in the easiest and inexpensive way possible. My Guest: Chad Sakonchick Chad Sakonchick is the founder and creator of BetterLegal, a company that provides a one-stop-shop for business and entity formation in all 50 states. If there is one thing Chad knows, it is how to start a business. He was bitten by the entrepreneurial bug early on in his life and has been the brains behind successful and not so successful start-ups within the tech space. The thread that has been present in all of his business ventures is automation. Chad is on an automation mission, and his latest venture, BetterLegal, automates the business formation process so that what typically takes weeks to do, can be done in a few hours, maybe even less. The ability to form a business in a day is a game changer within the entrepreneurial space, so not