Business Breakthrough

117: Creating A Profitable Online Course With Alex Lasarev (Part 2)



Online courses are so hot now especially with most of the world still stuck in their houses everyone is coming with the perspective of what are people interested in. However that is backwards. When you make your focus to make money you are stacking the odds massively against you. But when you come from within and you really discover your passion-what you love doing and it helps other people, then that is a recipe for success. My Guest: Alex Lasarev: Alex spent his 20’s as a stand-up comedian and then accidentally built a global cult following as a dating coach until 2015. He discovered that our ability to attract amazing connections was in direct correlation to how much we fully love and accept ourselves. He then founded the Infinite Man Summit where they show men how to live fearlessly, empowering them to become the highest versions of themselves, by mastering their health wealth and relationships and ultimately discovering and living their soul’s highest purpose. He had his first spiritual awakening in 2009