Business Breakthrough

112: Viral LinkedIn Video With Jonathan Palmar (Part 1)



Jonathan has gained incredible traction on LinkedIn. In less than one year Jonathan went from zero followers to close to 90,000. In this episode Jonathan shares with us his journey starting out as a professional wrestler moving onto a forensic accountant and cracks the LinkedIn code for you so that you can do the same. My Guest: Jonathan Palmar Jonathan's goal is to help you turn connections into clients and followers into loyal fans. Jonathan can transform you into a video rock star that can captivate an audience, with an electrifying message. Pivotal Moments ·       To be an intrepreneur you need to be self aware of yourself. Just because you’re confident it doesn’t mean you are a leader. ·       Jonathan was working as a forensic accountant. His father wanted to rebrand the forensic accounting business and that was when he discovered Shay Rowbottom. ·       He started seeing the videos Shay was creating