Business Breakthrough

85: The Secret to Constant Referrals without Asking with Stacey Brown-Randall (Part 1)



If you don't want to pay for referrals or be slimy or greasy, you just have to wait for them to come, no? There's no way to control or manage how often you get referrals, right? No! Wrong! Incorrect! You can control and manage your referrals, you can put a system and process in place and Stacey Brown Randall is here to show us how. In this episode, Stacey breaks down the five steps to getting referrals without asking. If you run a service or a product-based business, this episode will help you increase your client base so that you won't be desperate for clients again. My Guest: Stacey Brown RandallStacey Brown Randall is a member of the business failure club, a contrarian on how to generate referrals and a supporter of the entrepreneurial dream. She is a three-time entrepreneur, award-winning author of Generating Business Referrals Without Asking, host of the Roadmap to Grow Your Business podcast and national speaker. Stacey’s programs help small business owners and solopreneurs take control of their r