Business Breakthrough

81: Scaling your Sales Team with Chris Wallace (Part 2)



Ever heard the phrase “accidental entrepreneur”? That’s exactly what Chris Wallace is. He always planned to follow the corporate route, but after getting his MBA and finding a job in the corporate space, Chris realized that he would make a ton more money filling the exact same role, but as an entrepreneur with his own company. In this episode, Chris shares with us the key to ensure that your brand is consistently displayed across your business, which he’s figured out from his unique experience as both a business-owner-boss and a down-in-the-trenches-employee. If you want to make sure that your front line employees are giving over the same message as your billboards and email campaigns, this episode is a must-listen!   My Guest: Chris WallaceChris is the president and co-founder of Inner View group, his third business and his most fun one yet. After selling his sales consulting coaching business inside sales, Chris built his second company, Growth Play, until he was presented with the chance to