Ask Noah Show

Episode 261: Moving to a Datacenter



In this episode Noah and Steve discuss migrating moving into a datacenter. Amazon Linux 3 is based off of Fedora, a new GPD Pocket 3 is out and is an IT sysadmin's dream, a privacy respecting voice assistant, join us for a packed show! -- During The Show -- 01:41 Fedora Feedback & Tumbleweed Challenge - Bhikhu Get Fedora ( Get OpenSuse Tumbleweed ( Fedora is not unstable What should we look for in OpenSuse Tumbleweed? - Write In! Underlying distribution seems matter less now days What is the primary use of OpenSuse Tumbleweed? - Write In! Linux Delta ( 09:20 RE: Key Mapping - Matt Key-Mapper Github ( 10:54 User Provides Script to Check HTTPS - Cory Click To Expand ``` #!/usr/bin/env python3 #based on from urllib.request import Request, urlopen, ssl, socket from urllib.error import URLError, HTTPError import json from dateutil import parser for site in {