The Ted Broer Show - Mp3 Edition




Austin is solo today on a high energy show. The Australian army is now forcibly removing residents in the northern territories that test positive OR come in contact with someone who test positive and holding them at a newly built quarantine camp. No symptoms, no hospital admittance, no choice, just go straight to the camp. Attorney Thomas Renz is filing lawsuits against the government for withholding information about the dangers of remdesivir. He claims the data is showing 25% of patients that take remdesivir die. More looting and pillaging in southern California's high end stores as the roving theft gangs have figured out they wont be stopped. The administration releases 50M barrels of oil reserves BUT yet still is forcing the pipelines to stay shutdown. 63% of Americans believe the parents have the final say in children education. And the Media keeps trying its hardest to make Ghislaine Maxwell the victim now as her sex trafficking trial continues. Plus much more