Paleo Quick Tip Of The Day

Your TRUE Paleo Tribe is LOCAL pqtd



One of the ways in which we have betrayed our genetic heritage, along with abandoning the eating of real, God made foods, is to try to claim allegiance to ‘global’ ideals rather than concentrating on our own tribe.  For human beings evolved as tribal, social animals, just as wolves are pack animals and cattle are herd animals.  Such small, regional, and racially similar groupings are necessary for smooth, healthy functioning of both our local society, and for the health of the individual within that group.  Only in such a fashion are we naturally equipped to maximize both our mental and physical health.Just as big, industrialized processed food has replaced good, pastured meats and vegetables with high fructose corn syrup laden concoctions of unnaturally altered strains of wheat and GMO foods- so too has our natural, native attachment to those of our own genetic type rather than to an artificially big government mandated ‘globalism’.  We are told to erase our borders, to interbreed with other of nations and c